Data protection: guarantees the confidentiality of your personal data. No data you provide us will be shared with an organization or company outside of SwimIbiza. In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), the SwimIbiza user may, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification and cancellation of their data in the terms provided. in the aforementioned Law and other regulations that develop it, through the email:

In compliance with current regulations, will not carry out any type of action with the data that is sent from the forms on the website and every calendar year all emails and data sent from the web will be eliminated from permanently so that there is no record of any customer data on the servers or computers of, so all the data that is sent from the forms is directed to the collaborating companies and it is their responsibility to comply with the current data protection law of the European Union. has an email record (Newsletter) to send information about promotions and useful information for its customers. The client / user may cancel their subscription at any time through the email or through the links provided both in the newsletter sent and in the links for this service on the website